I’ve been using Sidekiq for a while now and I really love it but I’ve always found the Web ui to not suit my need perfectly.
For example, We use the sidekiq-limit_fetch, which enables us to pause queues but we needed to go in the console everytime we needed to pause/unpause a queue.
Turns out adding customizing the UI to help me do that more easily was pretty simple.
First thing you want to do, is copy all the views from web/views to a folder in your app. For this example, I’ll use app/views/sidekiq.
Now we just need to tell sidekiq where the views are.
require 'sidekiq/web'
Sidekiq::Web.set 'views', File.join(Rails.root, 'app', 'views', 'sidekiq')
At this point, you can modify the views to your liking. If you need to add extra actions you can monkey path the Sidekiq::Web class. Let see what it looks like for pause/unpause.
class Sidekiq::Web
post "/queues/:name/pause" do
post "/queues/:name/unpause" do
Happy hacking!